
We will try our best to deliver your products as soon as you purchase the products.

Buying Process

Purchasing items from this website is very easy and strait forward.Once you finish adding items to cart, click on "Proceed to Checkout" button. Follow the instruction carefully and submit your order.

Once you finish the order process, you will receive an order confirmation email and invoice for your transaction.

Shipping Process

We'll start the shipping process as soon as we receive the transaction details from our gateway service provider.

We use New Zealand Post as our courier company to deliver our goods.

Customers can use shipping options provided by New Zealand Post. It will take minimum 3 days for New Zealand Customers to recieve an item.

It will take 3 to 10 days for International customers to receieve the items out side of New Zealand.


Customers wishing to purchase items or gifts for recipients in New Zealand may proceed with their orders in the usual manner. The Icon New Zealand will open shipping items or gift to selected countries in near feature.

Please check our Terms & Conditions for more information.